Getting Attention

Full-Length Play, Drama  /  3w, 4m

Getting Attention
by Martin Crimp

It's a funny thing attention; too much of it if paid to your private business, not enough when there's a genuine cry for help. A young couple, Carol and Nick, live with her four-year-old child, Sharon. When Nick and Carol have sex, the neighbours lis…

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    3w, 4m
  • Audience
    Target Audience


It's a funny thing attention; too much of it if paid to your private business, not enough when there's a genuine cry for help. A young couple, Carol and Nick, live with her four-year-old child, Sharon. When Nick and Carol have sex, the neighbours listen in, but when the couple begin to violently abuse Sharon, no-one notices. It emerges that Sharon has been'scalded and starved, but the bleakness of the'story reaches its brutal climax when a social worker visits the house.
Performing Groups
  • Time Period Contemporary
  • Setting Various simple settings
  • Cautions
    • Intense Adult Themes

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £70 per performance plus VAT when applicable.


Available Formats:


Martin Crimp

Martin Crimp was born in 1956 and began writing for theatre in the 1980s. His plays include: When we have sufficiently tortured each other (2019), Men Asleep (2018), The Rest Will be Familiar To You From Cinema (2013, voted by Germany’s Theater heute best foreign play of the ...

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